Oct 30, 2019
I just want to start this post with the words ‘trust me this is a management development post’ be patient and all will be revealed… Not too long ago, about once or twice a month I would get together with a couple of mates who were keen photographers and we would...
Oct 26, 2019
Advocates of the ‘new’ learning models often remind us that ‘learning doesn’t take place in the classroom’ – that instructor led training is a resource intense waste of time. Obviously, as a training facilitator I would disagree with this, but I would add that...
Aug 28, 2019
Many of you will be familiar with the work of Dr Carol Dwerk in her book Mindset. If not, I do highly recommend it. In a nutshell a person’s mindset is integral in their progress and growth. Those with a Fixed Mindset believe that skills etc are fixed and if they...
Aug 28, 2019
In the library and information sector, many of the specialised courses that dealt with information management were provided for librarians and corporate information managers through niche providers within the profession. As technology has evolved, and as organisations...
Jun 28, 2019
You’ve heard the phrase, and possibly even read the book, but how would you rate yourself as an emotionally intelligent leader? How would you rate those around you? I recently put a short post regarding emotional Intelligence into my social media and it was one of the...