

Behaviour It seems as if most of our day is taken up dealing with difficult people, this is not the reality for most people. For most, I would say it is less than five percent of your day and more probably much less depending on your role. Of course if you’re on the...

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Preparing to negotiate

Preparing to negotiate

Things you need to know before you begin Ever wondered how successful negotiators seem to get the best of you every time? It’s not some magical charisma or secret voodoo they perform on you. The only secret they have is they like to prepare before they enter into a...

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Talk to us today!

Would you like more detail about any of the programs or other services mentioned? Perhaps you would like to discuss your training needs in more detail, then please don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll be in touch as soon as we can.

Adam Le Good, Principal Consultant
PO Box 717, Ringwood VIC 3134 Australia

Australia:  0412 101 115
International: +61 412 101 115